
Keto Diet: Is it Right for You?

If you want to lose weight, but don’t want to live on rabbit food, then the keto diet may be for you. Touted as one of the best healthy diet plans for individuals who want to lose weight without losing energy, it can work for you as well. Contrary to popular belief, just because a diet plan is popular, doesn’t mean it works for everyone. To understand if the keto diet is for you, let’s do a deep dive into the diet plan.

How to Lose Weight by Going Vegan

Nowadays, more and more people are choosing veganism or a vegan diet as a show of solidarity against animal cruelty and exploitation. A vegan diet is one in which you actively avoid all sorts of foods that come from animals, such as eggs, meat, and dairy. In recent years, many individuals have also started following a vegan diet in hopes of achieving their weight loss targets. 

But does a vegan diet even work in terms of helping you lose weight, and how can you maintain a vegan diet for a prolonged time without facing any deficiencies? The trick lies in being mindful about the sort of food you are incorporating into your meals and researching the possible deficiencies that you might face if you choose to go vegan.

Let’s learn everything you need to know about losing weight by going vegan! 

Thinking Beyond Calories: A Nutrition Guide

Image Description: Eggs, vegetables, and avocado on a plate

Calorie counting is one of the many counterproductive things to have come out of our obsessions with weight loss. The time-consuming and soul-sucking practice has somehow managed to seep into our everyday ideas about food and health as well.

To live a healthy and full life, you need to throw out all the messages about calorie counting and refocus on what actually matters: the nutrients your body is getting from the food you’re eating.

This article will explain why the calorie counting games need to end and how to switch to a more nutrient-based approach to food instead.

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