
A Beginner’s Guide to Calisthenics

A Beginner’s Guide to Calisthenics

Calisthenics are exercises that are performed using only your body weight. These exercises are great for building strength and promoting flexibility without requiring additional equipment.

These exercises can be performed just about anywhere, so they could be useful for people who do not have access to gyms. Follow this guide if you’re interested in starting calisthenics.

How to select the right calisthenic exercises

Your calisthenics workout routine should include a range of exercises that target different muscle groups. The goal should be to create an exercise regimen that gives you a full body workout.

These exercises should be selected on the basis of their intensity and their volume. However, these characteristics are inversely related. An exercise that is intense cannot be performed as many times, so it will have a smaller volume. Similarly, a low intensity exercise can be performed multiple times with ease, which makes it a high volume exercise.

The speed at which you perform these exercises and the length of time between exercises will also affect your results. Calisthenics is focused on finding the right balance between stability and strength to maximize your gains in a safe manner.

How long should the workout be?

Calisthenic workouts are typically between 35 and 40 minutes in length. Over time, you should work towards shorter workouts of 20 minutes that are more intense.

How often should I workout?

Calisthenic workouts should be performed four or five times per week. People that engage in other activities such as running should alternate between running days and calisthenic workout days, so that they are doing calisthenics three times a week.

Calisthenic exercises

Some common calisthenic exercises include:

Push ups

Perform 12 – 15 push ups. Your palms should be on the ground and at shoulder width. Keep your back straight and flex your core as you lower yourself towards the ground, before gently raising yourself back up.

Jump squats

Do 20 jump squats. Perform a regular squat without weights, however, once you reach the lowest point, spring your body upwards with explosive force. Try to land back at your stable starting position. 


Perform 40 crunches. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat. Place your hands behind your head. Exhale and lift your upper body towards your knees. Hold your top position for a couple of seconds before moving back down.

Jump ropes

Do 30 seconds of jump rope exercise. Hold the rope handles at an equal distance from your chest from either side. Rotate the rope using your wrists and jump as the rope passes under you. Remember to bend your knees and point your toes down when you jump.

Chin ups

Do 12 chin ups. Grasp the pull up bar from underneath at a width slightly narrower than shoulder width. Pull yourself upward and feel your biceps being flexed. Hold your top position for a couple of seconds before gently lowering yourself back down.

These exercises may seem easy for most people, but they can be challenging for beginners. Remember to start slow and gradually work your way up to doing these exercises faster. 

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