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Eat Your Way to a Faster Metabolism

What we eat has a direct impact on the healthy functioning of the body. Therefore, it does not come as
a surprise that altering your diet can help you enhance your metabolism, lose more calories, and
eventually result in weight loss. In other words, you don’t always have to starve yourself when you are
trying to lose weight. Instead, you can promote weight loss simply by making a few dietary changes.
Without further ado – let’s take a look at how you can eat your way to a faster metabolism and hence
weight loss.

Don’t Skip Meals

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you never skip meals. Avoiding food for longer periods
can do more harm than good. This is because every time you skip a meal, the blood sugar levels in the
body drop. As a result, your body release hormones that burn muscles. This is why dieting never works
in the long term because it makes the body go into core deficit, burning muscle instead of fat. Plus, it
makes you crave carbs that can lead your body to store fat. For these reasons, it is best to ensure that
you eat on time and never skip a meal. However, it is also important to make sure that you eat healthy
foods with a healthy calorie count. You must also know what to eat for weight loss.

Create a Hormonal Balance
If you just can’t seem to lose weight, you may have a hormonal imbalance in the body. Just like
everything else in the body, hormones play an important role in weight loss. However, if you consume
an unhealthy, unbalanced diet, your hormones are probably all over the place. This can make it
extremely difficult to lose weight for some people. Therefore, instead of relying on fad diets, it is better
to target the core issue and create a hormonal balance in the body through a healthy diet. You can do
this by consuming a balanced diet containing lean proteins, low-glycemic complex carbs and healthy

Eat Foods that Promote Weight Loss
The only remaining question is what to eat to burn calories quickly. Well, there are certain foods that
can help you shed those extra pounds. Here’s a list of some foods that you can include in your daily diet
to promote weight loss.
 Lemon: Half a lemon in a glass of water is the perfect way of dealing with bloating resulting from
the high salt intake. It can also help reduce body fat percentage and eventually, bodyweight.
 Apple Cider Vinegar: It is often associated with weight loss and detox. Adding apple cider
vinegar in your diet can help you feel fuller for a longer time. This is mainly because it hampers
the digestion of carbs and sugars.
 Eggs: Including eggs in your diet can encourage weight loss. This is especially true if eggs replace
high-calorie or high-carb foods like bagels or cereals. Eggs are loaded with protein and good fats
that can keep you full for longer.
Some other foods that encourage weight loss include raspberries, grapefruits, coconut oil, fish, tea, and
coffee. Now that you know what to eat for weight loss, make sure you include them in your diet on a
daily basis. Plus, adopt healthy eating habits and strive to create a hormonal balance in the body
through food. That’s the right way to eat your way to weight loss!

What to Eat After a Workout

Anyone that has ever exercised should be familiar with the intense hunger that usually follows a long workout. This hunger is your body’s way of signaling that it is desperately craving nutrients to recover and build muscles. 

Many people will stuff their faces with just about anything during their post-workout eating frenzies, but certain post-workout foods are better than others when it comes to meeting your body’s immediate needs. Let’s take a look at some foods that should be consumed following a workout. 

Protein-rich foods

Most, if not all bodybuilders have diets that are rich in protein. Proteins are macronutrients that are required for repairing and building muscles following a workout. This is why post-workout meals usually feature large quantities of protein-rich foods such as grilled chicken, salmon, chickpeas, and tofu.

Proteins should ideally be consumed immediately following your workout. However, studies have found that proteins can be consumed up to 2 hours after a workout before their effectiveness at muscle-building is reduced.

Carb-rich foods

Low-carb diets have been trendy for a decades, but it’s important to remember that your body still requires some carbohydrates to replenish its energy reserves following a workout.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose during digestion, and are eventually stored as glycogen in skeletal muscles. These glycogen reserves provide your muscles with energy during workouts. However, these reserves tend to deplete quickly, so post-workout meals should include some carbs to help regain these glycogen reserves.

The foods you consume during your post-workout meals should contain unrefined complex carbohydrates, such as the ones found in wholewheat and multi-grain breads, legumes, and nuts. Refined carbs from foods such as pastas, pastries, and breakfast cereals should be avoided as they can lead to weight gain and obesity.

Carbs should be consumed as soon as possible following a workout. Many experts suggest eating carbs within an hour of your workout to replenish your body’s glycogen reserves.

Foods containing fats

Fats are among the most unfairly maligned macronutrients due to their association with the adjective “fat”, which has led to many people believing all fats should be avoided. While build-up of certain fats can lead to weight gain and visible fat deposits on the body, the “good” fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can still be consumed in moderation following a workout.

Fats tend to slow down the absorption of the other nutrients in your post-workout meal, but they may also aid with muscle growth. Some foods to consume in limited quantities following your workout include salmon, avocados, peanut butter, and almonds.

Most healthy foods contain a combination of the aforementioned macronutrients. For example, salmon contains a high amount of proteins as well as healthy fats. So you can customize your meal-plans to include the right combination of foods that help your body get back into form following your workout.

Maintaining a well thought out post-workout meal plan is almost as important as the workout itself. So use this information to keep track of your diet and work towards achieving your fitness goals.

What to Eat before a Workout

Most people are already aware that exercise and diet go hand-in-hand for achieving the best results. However, a lesser known fact about diets is that nutrient intake also heavily influences your performance at the gym. A pre-workout meal with the right combination of nutrients can provide your body with the resources needed to push your limits and endure a rigorous workout.

When to eat before a workout?

Your body typically takes a few hours to digest food following the consumption of a meal. The nutrients broken down during this digestion process are used to provide the body with energy for the upcoming workout.

Due to this reason, most experts agree that you should eat 2 or 3 hours before a workout, especially if you intend to eat a full meal. Smaller meals and snacks can be consumed an hour before working out, as they will be digested faster than a regular sized meal.

What nutrients should you load up on before your workout?

Pre-workout meals should feature a combination of carbs, proteins, and fats. However, the exact proportion of each of the macronutrients will vary based on your workout type and intensity. Let’s take a look at each macronutrient and how they help during or after the workout.


Many modern diets shun the intake of carbs; however, this macronutrient is essential for providing your body with energy during short-paced high intensity workouts. Let’s look at how carbs are processed and used by the body.

  1. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose during digestion. 
  2. This glucose is converted to a storage molecule known as glycogen in your muscles.
  3. These glycogen “reserves” are used to draw energy during workouts.

So if you intend to engage in high intensity workouts, a pre-workout meal that contains complex carbohydrates is recommended. Some healthy non-refined carbohydrate sources include whole grain bread, brown rice, oats, barley, and buckwheat.


Despite the bad rap they often receive, fats are still considered an essential component of healthy diets. They are also an important source of energy for long duration and low intensity workouts. 

However, the type of fats you consume is important to monitor as well. “Good” fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats should be consumed in moderation before a workout. On the other hand, “bad” fats such as saturated fats and trans fats should be consumed in limited quantities.

Foods that contain “good” fats include salmon, mackerel, nuts, avocados, and vegetable oils. Load up on these ingredients 2 or 3 hours before performing low-intensity exercises such as swimming, walking, or doing yoga.


While proteins do provide some energy during workouts, their consumption during pre-workout meals is usually related to their muscle building properties. Large amounts of protein are needed by the body to repair and build muscles following a workout. This protein can come from both pre-workout and post-workout meals.

Some healthy foods that are high in protein include chicken breast, nuts, milk, and lentils.

Now that we know what role each macronutrient plays in aiding workouts, it’s easy to create a pre-workout meal plan that ensures the right quantities of each nutrient are being consumed. If you feel your pre-work out meal isn’t providing you with enough energy, you should revise the quantities of each macronutrient until your body feels their intake is sufficient.

The Best Diet Plan For Getting Ripped Abs

Getting ripped abs usually involves exercise routines to strengthen and build your ab muscles, along with a healthy food diet that helps you lose body fat and allows the abs underneath to become visible. Constructing and following a strict dietary plan is essential for reducing your total body fat and helping your abs become more visible.

Here is a diet plan that can help you achieve your goal of getting ripped abs.

Diet and nutrition: What to eat?

The diet required to lose body fat as quickly should be high in protein and healthy fats.


Your diet should largely consist of protein-rich foods such as lean beef, salmon, beans, and greek yogurt. Consuming proteins increases your metabolism, which speeds up the rate at which your body uses up calories. This can lead to significant fat loss results over time.

In addition to helping you slim down, eating proteins can also aid in building ab muscles when you work out. So your diet should be high in protein-rich foods if you want to get ripped abs.


It may seem counterintuitive to eat fats in order to lose fat, but studies have found that eating healthy fats such as polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats can prevent abdominal fat accumulation.

Foods that are high in unsaturated fats include fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, nuts such as almonds and walnuts, and vegetable oils such as sunflower and corn oil.

Foods to avoid

Your diet should contain limited quantities of refined carbs and bad fats. The term “limited” is used here because it is difficult to completely eliminate these macronutrients from your diet.

Refined carbs

Refined carbs should be avoided as they digest quickly, and their high glycemic index can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Consuming refined carbs regularly can lead to the build up of fat over time.

Refined carbs include products made from grains that have been stripped of their fiber and nutrients. These include white bread, pasta, white rice, and pastries.

Bad fats

The “bad” fats you should avoid include trans fats and saturated fats. Trans fats are often found in foods such as cakes, doughnuts, and margarine. Many fried foods such as french fries and onion rings are fried in trans fats at restaurants.

Eating trans fats is believed to lead to weight gain and fat accumulation around the waist, so your diet should exclude any form of trans fats.

Saturated fats are less harmful than trans fats, but the jury is still out regarding their net effects on the human body. Some studies have shown that consuming saturated fats can contribute towards weight gain, so it may be best to limit the quantity of saturated fats you eat.

Saturated fats are found in whole milk, butter, cheese, fatty meats, and coconut oil. So you should limit your consumption of these foods.

How much should I eat?

In addition to monitoring the type of foods you eat, you should also limit the number of calories you are consuming in meals each day. The rule of thumb for losing fat is to consume less calories than you expend per day. You can calculate how many calories you burn every day using a total daily energy expenditure calculator

The results of this diet plan can take several months to see, but you will certainly see a reduction in body fat over time if you stick to it. Remember to pair your diet with an effective workout plan to get the best looking abs.

3 Foods to Get Rid of Belly Fat

People often spend years working toward the goal of achieving a flat tummy. Fat accumulation, especially around the waist can be difficult to deal with, given that it is a product of eating habits, age, and genetics. This combination of factors makes it difficult for people to achieve the results they would like to see.

For people who are interested in shedding some belly fat, a strict diet coupled with a good workout routine is necessary. It should be noted that the concept of “spot reduction”, which states that it’s possible to target fat loss in a specific area is a myth. Therefore, in order to lose belly fat, you need to lose fat around your entire body.

So here are 3 healthy foods that can help you slim down and trim some excess belly fat in the process.

  1. Fruits

Fruits can help with fat loss due to their fiber content. While not all fruits are high in fiber, common ones like apples, peaches, avocados, and strawberries contain a significant percentage of dietary fibers that delay digestion and keep the digestive tract healthy.

Having a healthy digestive system is essential when you are trying to raise your metabolism with workouts and other foods. So reach for some fruits the next time you get a craving for something sweet.

It should be noted that fruit juice rarely provides the nutritional benefits that whole fruits provide. Their high fructose content can lead to insulin resistance and even make you gain belly fat.

  1. Nuts

Nuts can help you satisfy your hunger cravings without putting on pounds. Nuts contain the “good” fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that are believed to prevent the accumulation of belly fat.

Walnuts and pine nuts are high in polyunsaturated fats, while almonds, pistachios, pecan nuts, and hazelnuts are high in monounsaturated fats. 

The aforementioned nuts are all acceptable to eat in moderation. However, some nuts such as Brazilian nuts, cashews, and macadamia nuts contain higher levels of saturated fats. Some studies have found that saturated fats can contribute towards obesity and heart disease. 

This means you should avoid nuts that are high in saturated fats if you want to slim down.

  1. Vegetables

Vegetables are a staple in any balanced diet. They have been associated with fitness and weight loss ever since nutrition studies revealed their low calorie count and high fiber content. However, certain vegetables are far better than others when it comes to helping you lose fat.

Leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots are packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. These vegetables should be eaten regularly alongside protein-rich foods to help you maintain a high metabolism.

Other vegetables such as chillies are believed to burn calories from the heat they generate. The heat generated from eating chillies isn’t actually “burning” fat, but it does cause your body to work harder, which uses up more calories and can lead to fat loss over time.

Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, peas, and corn should be avoided when you are trying to lose fat. They are generally higher in calories and carbs compared to other vegetables, and are believed to rapidly raise blood sugar, which can lead to weight gain.

BodyBuilding Diet Plan

Creating a diet plan that is effective for bodybuilding is about knowing which foods to eat, and which to avoid. Your focus should be on eating foods that are high in proteins and healthy fats while staying away from sugars, bad fats, and processed carbs.

Some diets take it to the extreme by cutting out all carbs and sugars and substituting them with foods that are high in fats. These diets do offer some benefits, such as providing the body with a high intake of proteins that aid with muscle building.

 However, many people have difficulty distinguishing between “good” fats and “bad” fats, which can lead to health problems in the long run.

This diet plan contains recommendations for healthy foods that are high in protein, healthy fats, and other nutrients that are required by the human body to build muscle and stay healthy. The plan also contains some starchy carbs, but their consumption should be limited to certain times of the day. Starchy carbs are found in bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and breakfast cereals.

It is recommended that people consume 5 or 6 meals per day if they wish to build muscle. These meals will differ in terms of carbohydrate percentage, so be sure to note down which meals are acceptable to consume carbs in.

First meal

The first meal of the day can contain starchy carbs such as bread, in addition to protein-rich foods like eggs and cheese. You should also add some fruits such as apples and pears to provide you with energy and make this meal more balanced.

Second meal

Your second meal of the day should contain fewer carbs. The focus should be on proteins and healthy fats. Many people drink protein shakes or smoothies as their second meal. These can be made using protein powder, fruits, coconut milk, flax seeds, and flavor-enhancing ingredients such as cocoa powder.

Third meal

Your third meal should also limit carbs. This may be a good time to experiment with creating a bunless burger, that is wrapped in lettuce instead of a high-carb bun. This will be your last meal before your workout, so be sure to finish it at least two hours before you head to the gym.

Fourth meal

You can eat some starchy carbs in your post-workout meal. These usually include protein bars or protein shakes that help you recover some energy.

Fifth meal

Your fifth and final meal for the day should be a balanced mix of starchy carbs, proteins, fats, and vegetables. Grilled chicken or shrimp with brown rice is a popular dinner meal for bodybuilders. This is usually paired with salads and grilled vegetables such as asparagus or bell peppers on the side.

Starchy vegetables such as potatoes can be consumed during this meal as well. However, it may be best to limit them if you’re already consuming starch-laden rice during this meal.

This diet plan is sure to provide you with all the nutrition you require before and after your workouts. However, it should be noted that the benefits of a diet plan can often take months to see. So remember to remain consistent with your diet plan and avoid cheating too regularly if you wish to see the best results.

5 Foods That Can Help You Gain Muscle Mass

Following a good diet is considered as essential as exercising when it comes to gaining muscle mass. The rule of thumb dictates you should consume more calories than you expend per day if you wish to put on mass.

It’s possible to consume enough calories to meet your body’s requirements through any type of diet. However, certain foods make it easier for you to get the amount of daily nutrition you require. Here are 5 foods that can help you put on muscle mass.

  1. Chicken breast

Chicken breasts are a mainstay in the diets of bodybuilders around the world. They are packed with protein, can be prepared in an infinite number of ways, and can be added to any number of healthy food recipes. In fact, many actors are known to gorge on chicken breasts regularly while bulking up for their film roles.

Chicken breasts offer 32 grams of protein per 100-gram serving and are packed with vitamin B, vitamin D, calcium, zinc and iron.

  1. Salmon

Salmon is another food that is praised for its high protein content as well as the omega-3 fatty acids it offers. Salmon also contains unsaturated fats which are believed to improve blood cholesterol, while the omega-3 fatty acids it contains are known to improve cardiovascular health.

There are many varieties of salmon available today, and they often differ on the basis of their protein content and omega-3 fatty acids. Wild salmon is believed to have the highest protein content at 25 grams of protein per 100-gram serving. So bodybuilders should stock up on wild salmon if they wish to bulk up.

  1. Eggs

Many bodybuilders have gotten into the routine of consuming boiled eggs immediately after a workout. This is a good strategy as consumption of whole eggs is believed to promote protein synthesis, otherwise known as muscle building.

Eggs can be consumed whole or can be used to boost the protein content of any existing recipe. It’s also possible to make your protein shakes at home using eggs.

Eggs offer 13 grams of protein per 100-gram serving and are also loaded with vitamin A, vitamin E, and B vitamins including B12, folic acid, and riboflavin.

  1. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has developed a positive reputation among the bodybuilding community over the years. Greek yogurt differs from other yogurts because it is strained to remove some of its whey content. This reduces the lactose in the product and increases the proportion of protein in it.

Greek yogurt also has a mouth-watering tart flavor to it, which can be enhanced with the addition of fresh fruits. It offers 10 grams of protein per 100 grams and contains probiotics which are believed to improve gut health.

  1. Almonds

Almonds are another food that are great for putting on lean muscle mass. They are considered a good source of protein and healthy unsaturated fats. 

Almonds can be eaten as a snack throughout the day or can be used to make almond butter. However, other sources of almonds such as almond milk generally don’t offer as much protein as eating whole almonds does.

Whole almonds offer 21 grams of protein per 100-grams, and also a good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium.

3 Exercises You Should Be Doing To Build Your Chest

Building a strong and muscular chest means working the pectoral muscles. However, it is important to understand that while pecs are the largest muscles in the chest, they are supported by multiple other smaller muscles, including lats on the sides and trapezius around the shoulders. To get a really defined chest, you need exercises that target all these muscles. Scroll down to take a look at some of the best chest-building exercises that will build strength and help you achieve your fitness goals.

1.    Chest Press

The chest press is a classic exercise to gain upper body strength. It targets the pecs in the chest, triceps in the arms, and deltoid muscles in the shoulders. There are various variations of chest press that you can do with or without a machine. Once you get the hang of it, you can also incorporate this exercise into your home workout for chest. Here’s how to do a basic chest press.

  1. Lie on a flat bench, shoulders pressing into the bench. Your feet must be pressed into the ground.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and wrap your thumbs around the handle.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower the weights slightly wider than your chest width.
  4. Touch the dumbbells to your chest.
  5. As you exhale, push your arms upwards. Make sure your elbows bend slightly.
  6. Make sure the dumbbells are positioned just below the eye level.

2.    Barbell Bench Press  

This exercise will build strength in the upper body. Barbell bench press allows you to lift the heaviest weights you can manage. It is an excellent exercise to build size and grow your muscles. Here’s how to do a barbell bench press.

  1. Lie on a flat bench and hold a barbell. With arms fully extended, hold the barbell above your chest. Place your hands just a little wider than shoulder-width apart. This is the starting position.
  2. Now, lower the bar slowly. In this position, your arms should form a 45° angle to your body.
  3. Hold the position for around 1 – 2 seconds.     
  4. Now, move your arms upward, pressing the bar to the starting position. Make sure you move the barbell in a controlled manner and don’t arch your back!

3.    Pushups

Did you know that good old pushups are an excellent exercise to work your chest? If you can’t find the time to hit the gym, simply include pushups in your home workout for chest.A pushup is not going to be as effective as a bench press, but it is more convenient. Here’s how you can do pushups like a pro.

  1. Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders .
  2. Tighten your abdominals and keep your elbows close to your side. Your hands should be directly under your shoulder.
  3. Now, lower yourself slowly until your body almost touches the ground.
  4. Pause for a few seconds.
  5. Push yourself up to the starting position.
  6.  Repeat.

Try these 3 chest-building exercises to get a perfectly defined and sculpted chest. Don’t forget to support your workout with a healthy diet to see amazing results in no time!  

Gym Workout Plan for Beginners

Starting a workout plan can be somewhat daunting when you’re new to it. It’s a completely new experience, and you won’t know what you have to do exactly. You’ll have to be wary of things like exercise form, range of motion, and working till failure. That said, you’ll feel a lot better if you know what you’re doing. The best way to ensure that you stick to a new plan is to start off slow. Get used to the exercises and the equipment. Once you get the hang of things, you can gradually build up the intensity. To help you get started, here’s a workout plan for beginners that you can use.

Workout Four Days in Your First Week

To get the most out of your workout plan, you must exercise at least four days every week. Therefore, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t start with that in your first week. Here’s how you should divide your workout plan.

First Day and Third Day

On your first day and third day, you should incorporate a mix of strength training and cardio exercises. In your first week, you should work on your upper body. This includes your arms, shoulders, back, and abs. You should start with compound exercises like a shoulder press, a lat pulldown, the plank, pushups, and pullups. Try to do each of these exercises for about 12 repetitions with about 40 seconds of rest between each set. Try to complete this in about 20 to 25 minutes.

You can either use the cycling machine, treadmill, or elliptical for your cardio exercises. It’s best to start off with steady-state cardio for 10 minutes. Steady-state cardio entails doing a cardio exercise at a steady pace during the entire exercise. Pick a speed that you can manage easily.

Second and Fourth Day

On the second and fourth day, you should work on your lower body, along with a cardio exercise. This means that you should focus on your quads and glutes. You can do squats, stationary lunges, and glute bridges. It’s best to do all of these exercises without weights to start off. Once you’re done with those exercises, continue with 10 minutes of steady-state cardio.

Include a Rest Day Between the Second and Third Day

It’s important that you rest in the middle of the week after you do your upper and lower body exercises. Rest will allow your muscles to develop faster and healthier. You’ll also be able to deal with initial muscle soreness better.


It’s always a great decision to start a good workout plan for beginners. Start slow and keep making your workouts progressively intense. After your first week, you should consider using weights. Start with light weights, and do a proper warmup routine before you begin. You can do some dynamic stretching to get your muscles ready for your workout. Just make sure that you get plenty of rest along with at least 8 hours of sleep. This way, you’ll become healthier and stronger in a short amount of time.

How to Stay Fit at Home During Quarantine

The recent closure of gyms across the globe due to the spread of COVID-19 has prompted people to look for ways to work out at home. Regular exercise is essential for staying fit during quarantine and maintaining your fitness gains, so here are 3 effective exercises you can do at home.

1.     Push-ups

Push-ups are one of the simplest exercises that can be performed just about anywhere with a flat surface. When performed correctly push ups can work the triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders.

They’re a great way to build upper body strength without equipment, and can also be made more intense with some adjustments and variations.

The most basic push up involves placing your palms on the ground directly under your shoulders with your arms fully extended. Your legs and back should be perfectly straight and your toes should be resting on the ground in the starting position.

Inhale as you lower your body towards the floor until your chest is almost in contact with the ground. Gently exhale as you push yourself back up to your starting position.

Push-ups are effective at building upper body strength, but you may find them too easy to perform after a certain amount of time.

These push-ups can be made harder by elevating your feet on a raised surface so that the push-up is being performed at an angle. This variation also helps work out the serratus anterior muscles that aren’t targeted as well from regular push-ups.

2.     Lunges

Lunges are popular strength training exercises that can be done at home. They work out the abdominal muscles, back muscles, gluteal muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Lunges can be performed with or without weights, so they can be performed by just about anyone.

There are many lunge variations to choose from, and each one works out different muscle sets. The most common lunge exercise is the stationary lunge.

The stationary lunge targets the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. It involves throwing your weight on your front leg and slowly bending your front knee while using your back leg for balance and stability.

3.     Planks

Planks work out your abdominal muscles, lower-back muscles, as well as your shoulder and back. The exercise may look simple and easy but the pose is difficult to sustain, even with the right form.

The starting position for a high plank is similar to the up-position for a push-up, (i.e.: with your palms on the ground at shoulder width and your arms stretched out). This pose should be maintained for as long as possible while keeping your back straight. 

Most people start off by holding a  30-second plank and build on it as they build more core strength. Despite their simple appearance, planks are incredibly intense exercises and are great for getting your heart rate up.Nothing can beat working out at a proper gym, but these three exercises should help you maintain your fitness gains until gyms reopen in the future. So stay fit during quarantine and remember to wash your hands!

Building Muscle Exercises for Women

Building muscle can be a challenge for just about anyone. However, it is especially difficult for women to build muscle due to the limitations set by their anatomy. While men have an easier time putting on muscle, there are still plenty of exercises that women can perform to put on muscle mass.

Calorie intake

Before we get to the list of exercises for building muscle, it’s important to ensure your daily calorie intake is sufficient enough to promote muscle growth. If the number of calories you are eating is equal to or less than the number of calories you are burning every day, you won’t be able to put on a noticeable amount of muscle.

You can calculate your daily calorie requirements using a calorie calculator. Be sure to consume more calories than the calculated amount if you want to gain muscle mass.


Strength training exercises are the best way for women to build muscle fast. Strength training can convert the extra calories you are consuming every day to muscle. Without strength training or other forms of exercise, your body will store these extra calories as fats.

The goal of strength training is to push your muscles outside their comfort zone. This forces them to be rebuilt bigger and stronger than before.

Push ups

Push ups are one of the simplest exercises that can be performed by just about anyone. They are great for building chest, shoulder, and abdominal muscles.

If you’re having trouble completing regular push-ups, you can do knee-push ups to build up strength until you’re ready to do the real ones.

Pull ups

Pull ups are useful for building big strong back muscles. They can be a bit difficult for beginners to perform, so they may have to use an assisted pull up machine. Another option for beginners is to perform inverted bodyweight rows in the meantime.

Once you’ve gained enough strength to perform a regular pull up, you should focus on increasing the number of pull ups you can perform during each exercise session.


Squats are essential leg muscle building exercises that work the quadricep, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and abdominal muscles. They can be challenging to perform depending on your physique, but they’re great exercises for building leg muscle.

Squats can be performed without weights (i.e.: bodyweight squats) or with weights (i.e.: dumbbell and barbell squats) and among the most intense workout exercises you can do.

If you can’t perform a bodyweight squat effectively, you won’t be able to perform a dumbbell squat either.


Deadlifts are another intense exercise that routinely push your body’s limits. They work the quadriceps, glutes, inner thigh, hamstrings, and many other muscle groups. If you’re unable to perform a deadlift with weights on the barbell, you should try performing them using the barbell alone.

Deadlifts can be dangerous when performed with the wrong form, so avoid arching your back or leaning forward during your lifts. You should also remember to lift with your knees as opposed to your back.

These strength training exercises are essential if you want to build muscle. They are a core part of most female body-builders’ exercise routines, so you should familiarize yourself with them if you want to put on some muscle mass.

3 Hacks to Gain Weight

Gaining weight can be as challenging as losing weight is for some people. It’s usually a slow process that requires discipline and perseverance in order to meet your goals. The human body is capable of putting on only 2 or 3 pounds per month, so it’s important to keep up with healthy eating if you want to work towards your target weight.

Luckily, these 3 food hacks should be useful to just about anyone that is struggling to gain weight.

1.     Understand your calorie intake and burn rates

Most people have a poor understanding of calorie numbers and tend to either overestimate or underestimate the amount of calories they consume everyday. You can calculate approximately how many calories you are consuming per day by looking at the nutritional information given on grocery boxes.

You can also calculate the amount of calories in the meat and produce you consume by using a calorie chart database.

Once you’ve figured out what your daily calorie intake is, you should calculate what your intake rate needs to be to sustain this weight. You can do this using a simple calorie calculator.

After you’ve calculated what your daily calorie intake needs to be to sustain your current weight, you should add 300 or 500 calories to this number.

You should then aim to consume this amount of calories every day through healthy food options.

2.     Pick the right foods

Choosing the right foods is important when it comes to gaining weight. Foods that are high in fats and sugars can help you gain weight, but they will not satisfy your body’s nutritional needs.

You should surround yourself with foods that are high in protein as well as nutritious carbohydrates such as brown rice and whole grain breads to gain weight the healthy way. These calorie-dense foods make it easier to consume a large number of calories in a single sitting, so they are well-suited for people looking to gain weight.

3.     Snack throughout the day

Some people have difficulty eating large quantities of food in a single sitting. This could be due to physical health or mental health reasons; however, it’s possible to work around these issues.

Snacking is a great option for individuals who would like to increase their daily calorie intake. Studies have found that snacking throughout the day doesn’t reduce the amount of calories consumed during mealtimes. Therefore, snacking can help you increase your daily calorie intake and gain weight.

Many snack foods such as chips and popcorn tend to be unhealthy and should not be consumed regularly. People looking to gain weight should stock up on healthy, nutrient-rich snacks such as nuts, yoghurt, and protein bars.

Gaining weight is an on-going process for most people, so it’s important to stay focused on your weight gain goals. However, good eating is only one part of the weight gaining process. Regular exercise is also required to keep your muscles looking toned as you put on mass.

So take the healthy approach and eat the right foods during your weight gain journey.

Everything You Need to Know About Healthy Diet and Nutrition

Many health and fitness experts believe that eating well and maintaining a steady diet is as important as exercise when it comes to staying fit and healthy. Everyone knows someone that has followed a unique fad diet in the past, but you may be wondering what goes into designing an effective healthy diet.

Designing a good diet requires an understanding of the different compounds and nutrients found that are found in the foods we eat. Let’s start with the basics.


The “macro” in macronutrients means “large”. This is a reference to the fact that diets generally consist of a large portion of macronutrients. They are generally calorie-dense compounds that provide the body with most of its energy.

The three main macronutrients found in foods are proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.


Proteins are the macronutrients most sought-after by bodybuilders. They contain 4 calories per gram and are generally found in meats, fish, dairy, eggs, legumes, and tofu. Proteins are important for building muscle, skin, hair and nails.


Carbohydrates are among the most common macronutrients. They also contain 4 calories per gram, and are found in starchy foods such as bread, pastas, and potatoes. Carbohydrates are also found in fruits, nuts, legumes, and some dairy products.

The body converts carbohydrates into sugar glucose, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream where it is used for energy.


Fats are the most controversial of macronutrients due to the uncertainty around their effects on health. Fats contain 9 calories per gram and can be categorized as unsaturated and saturated fats.

Unsaturated fats are found in plant-based foods, such as vegetable oils, nuts, and seed. Some unsaturated fats should be included in every balanced diet.

Saturated fats are found in animal products such as milk, cheese, meat, and some plant-based oils. They are believed to contribute to cholesterol build-up in the body, so many dietitians recommend limiting your intake of saturated fats.


Micronutrients are one of the main nutrient groups your body needs. They generally include vitamins and minerals.


Vitamins are needed for energy production, maintaining immune systems, and many other functions. They are found in fruits, vegetables, oils, and certain animal products.


Minerals are required to promote the health and growth of bones, and also play a vital role in other bodily maintenance processes. They are found in dairy products, vegetables, nuts, and certain meats.

Creating a balanced diet

A truly balanced diet contains both macronutrients and micronutrients from healthy sources. If you’re interested in gaining or losing weight, you will need to adjust the proportions of each macronutrient and micronutrient in your diet accordingly.

People looking to lose weight should stick to diets that are high in proteins and limit their intake of fats and foods that are high in carbohydrates.

However, diets should also take total calorie consumption into account.  If you’re eating more calories than you are burning in a day, you are likely to gain weight. Similarly, if you are eating less calories than you are burning each day, you will lose weight.So be sure to keep calorie counts in mind when you are designing your diet.

Four Superfoods to Help Build Muscles

No matter how busy your schedule is, it’s important to fit in a short workout in your daily routine. By exercising, your body finds a healthy way to sweat out harmful toxins. Most people think a full-body workout centers around strength training and muscle-building exercises. 

However, a few good minutes of brisk walking or a quick jog can offer a wealth of benefits. Any exercise that gets your heart pumping and results in sweat can be counted as a workout. Aerobic exercises like jogging, swimming, cycling, and running focus on large muscle groups and improve cardiovascular health. 

If you’re looking for overall muscle flexibility and want to improve your stamina, aerobic exercise is the way to go. Here are some of the best and easiest aerobic workouts for beginners to help you pump iron and feel energized. 

  1. Jogging or Running 

Running or jogging offers a quick way to improve heart health, remain flexible, and burn calories. Your legs aren’t the only part of your body that’s at work. You’re also engaging your core, arms, and of course, improving your attention span by staying present and alert. 

Even a few minutes of jogging every day is enough to witness a positive impact on your life. And the best part about this is that it’s so simple and practical to do. 

  1. Brisk Walking 

If running is too overwhelming for your body, you can start your health and fitness journey with brisk walking. Although the results will be slow, walking stabilizes your metabolism, gradually improves stamina, and readily improves your mood. It’s a great aerobic exercise for people who’ve recently lost weight and want to keep the fat off. 

  1. Swimming 

As a low-impact exercise, swimming is perfect for beginners. If you don’t know how to swim, taking a few classes will definitely help. Swimming allows your body to stretch and relax in ways that you can’t do otherwise. 

Since your body is floating, it doesn’t feel as much pressure on the muscles. Swimming is a wonderful way to exercise your arms and legs, build endurance, and ensure cardiovascular health. Above all, it will keep you in top shape like no other workout. 

  1. Stationary Bike

Working out on a stationary bike is another effective way to incorporate low-impact exercise into your routine. You can include this exercise after brisk walking to amplify the benefits of aerobic exercise. A stationary bike works your leg muscles, especially the glutes, and the knees. 

It helps strengthen your knees while ensuring a healthy posture. However, if you’re doing this at home, make sure to adjust your bike seat. It should ideally allow a 5-10 degree bend at the knee before your legs reach a full extension. This will take extra pressure off the knees and alleviate compression at the joints. 

Incorporate these aerobic exercises at least thrice a week to boost your mood, build muscle strength, and improve overall well-being!

Four Superfoods to Help Build Muscles

The old saying ‘ we are what we eat’ holds especially true when it comes to building muscle mass. Working out at the gym and at home is all well and good, but you will also need to eat right to build those muscles. Let us check out some of the most important superfoods that you can use to help gain that toned look:

  1. Whole  Eggs

Eggs are an extremely important superfood for building muscle mass. This is because they carry heaps of iron, protein, vitamins, and other nutrients that can help you to derive the most from your workout. Chicken eggs can also help to increase the metabolism in your body so that you will be burning fat even when you are at rest!

They also contain plenty of leucine. This is an amino acid that is particularly important for both muscle gain and boosting energy so that you will be able to work out even longer than before.  

  1. Mango

Many people consider the mango to be the best fruit in the world. And with good reason too. It is perfect for building lean muscles because it has plenty of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. If your workout is particularly hard, you should consider eating mangoes to protect your body against the production of various stress hormones.

Mangoes can hit the sweet spot after a workout session since they contain quick-digesting carbohydrates. In the long run, they can also help in better and quicker recovery after some strenuous cardio exercises. 

  1. Sweet  Potatoes 

These little orange tubers are a complete powerhouse of nutsrients. They contain plenty of essential minerals, carbohydrates, and antioxidants. For starters, the huge amount of carbs will keep you fueled for a really long workout. Furthermore, you will also be able to replenish your energy after your workout. This is particularly useful if you hit the gym early in the morning and have to go to work afterward.

  1. Garbanzo beans (Chickpeas)

You might be surprised to learn that the humble chickpea is a superfood that can help you build muscle mass. These little beans can pack roughly 9 grams of protein and over 27 grams of carbohydrates in a single half-cup serving. This makes Garbanzo beans ideal as both pre-workout fuel as well as a post-workout energy replenishment snack.

Chickpeas are also very rich in iron. Here it is pertinent to note that lack of iron can diminish the body’s ability to transport oxygen to all of your different muscle groups. In short, not having enough iron can easily decrease both performance and endurance during your work. Chickpeas can take care of this issue while providing you with the raw power to zip through your workout.  

However, all of the above superfoods can only work best with a powerful workout routine. Merely eating lots of mangoes and other stuff won’t do much good if you are not exercising enough to consume all that extra energy.  However, combining the two can definitely help you lose weight fast. 

Good luck with your workout!

3 Cardio Pairings for Fat Loss

Active people that engage in regular exercise are always on the lookout for effective ways to burn fat. In fact, half of Americans say they’d like to lose some weight. 

Each person usually has a customized workout regimen that is fine-tuned to help them achieve their fitness goals, such as weight loss. Speaking of which, many of us are already aware that cardio workouts are one of the best ways to burn fat. However many people often see poor results despite their best efforts.

 If you’re looking to boost the effectiveness of your cardio workouts, try pairing them with these three activities.

  1. Weight training

The general belief is that cardio workouts are for burning fat while weight training is for gaining muscle. This belief is mostly correct; however, cardio workouts can be paired with weight training regimens to enhance fat loss. 

In addition to building muscle, weight training also helps raise your resting metabolism. The metabolism of weight trainers remains elevated for several hours following their workouts. As a result, some fat is burnt during this post-workout period even while the person is resting.

It is believed that more intense workouts increase the number of calories you burn afterwards, so adding an intense weight training workout routine alongside your cardio workout could help you burn more fat.

When combining cardio with weight training, it’s best to start your workout with cardio exercises before moving onto your strength building exercises. Some people also choose to sprinkle a few minutes of cardio exercises in between their weight-lifting exercises to elevate their heart rate. These combined sessions should also be ended with weightlifting exercises.

  1. Sports activities

While many sporting activities themselves could be considered a form of cardio exercise, they should still be distinguished from planned cardio workouts. Sports activities such as football, soccer, or baseball may not feature sustained running, so your heart rate isn’t likely to reach the levels it normally does during your cardio workouts.

However, the short bursts of movement during these sports can help you burn some fat, even if it isn’t much. Sports activities are meant to be enjoyable, so think of them as fun activities to help you burn bonus calories on your non-workout days.

You should also remember to schedule some rest days where you aren’t engaging in cardio workouts or playing sports. Rest days are important to prevent people from overexerting their muscles, especially if they are engaging in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) during the week.

  1. Following a diet

People looking to burn fat can also add fat-burning foods to their diet such as eggs, nuts, and fish. These foods don’t directly “burn” fat, but they do stimulate your metabolism, which can in-turn aid with fat loss.

These three activities could definitely be of use to people on their journey towards losing fat. So try out each one and learn which activities pair with your cardio workouts best.

2 Quick Workout Routines To Do At Home

Losing weight can be hard when you have umpteen distractions and responsibilities. Whether it’s your kids constantly demanding attention or a partner that insists on eating out all the time, several factors can keep you from your weight-loss goals. 

The situation is made worse when the nearest gym facility in your area is, in fact, terribly far away. So, what do you do in these circumstances? Well, there’s certainly a way out. And no, you won’t have to offer an expensive gym fee for it. 

The solution is an at-home mini-workout routine that’s both practical and fun. When it comes to weight loss, the best way to do it is to find habits that meet your body’s needs. One person might be okay with crunches and planks but perhaps, you might have to start with core strength first. 

Keeping that in mind, here are 2 super-easy workout routines you can to do at home! 

  1. Workout #1 

This is a gentle workout that is perfect for young people. If you’re not used to much exercise, this workout will help improve muscle flexibility and core strength for more advanced workouts. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Start by lightly jogging in one place and continue for up to a minute. As you speed up, keep your form straight and swing your arms on the side to get the blood flow going. 
  • Next, get our body ready for jumping jacks. Make sure to keep your abdomen tight and perform jumping jacks for a total of 15 seconds. Feel free to extend by a minute. 
  • For a home workout for legs, switch to some burpees. Start by standing firmly, then dropping into a squatting position and placing your hands on the ground. Do this for another 15-20 seconds and switch to the next exercise. 
  • Get on the ground for the mountain climber exercise. Get into a push-up position, tighten your abdominal muscles, and bring your left knee forward towards your chest. Keep switching between each leg for another 20 seconds. 

Stand up and go back to some light jogging for 15 seconds and you’re done! 

  1. Workout #2

This workout isn’t based on time but on repetitions. Use this to strengthen your core muscles. This workout is the perfect home workout for abs.

Each exercise must be performed 12 times. Start with 10, if your body needs time to adjust. 

Begin with some light jogging to get your body in action. Now, start with jump lunges. Jump with your right leg forward and right leg pushed into a lunging position. Hold for 3 seconds and switch to the other leg. 

Next, perform jump squats. Get into a squatting position, hold for 5 seconds by tightening the abdominal muscles and them jump. Perform the next squat right after. 

Now it’s time for some serious push-ups to get your abs in shape. If you can’t perform a complete push-up, simply place your knees on the floor and then perform the workout using your upper body. Repeat 12 times. 

And, that’s it – two very simple, short, and easy workouts that can help strengthen your core and lose weight in no time!

Fitness Apparel That Every Woman Must Own

Whether you’ve joined a gym or are you’re more of a home workout person, equipping yourself with the right sportswear is important. Women’s sportswear can not only help improve your performance but also give you the much-needed confidence and motivation to stay consistent with your workout routines. 

When it comes to workout clothes for women, the list can be really long. To help narrow down your search, we’ve rounded up women’s sportswear essentials that are a must-have, no matter what kind of workout you’re going for. Let’s have a look at them:

  1. Sports T-Shirts or Tanks

You may think that any t-shirt will work for a workout, but you want to make sure that the T-shirt or tank top you wear is stylish and comfortable. Sports t-shirts and tank tops are made with high-tech fabrics that wick away sweat and moisture from your body, keeping you dry and preventing skin chaffing and acne. 

You can choose from a variety of designs, colors and sizes, depending on your personal preference. You can go for sleeveless or short-sleeve t-shirts during summers, but go for a full-sleeve top to protect yourself from illness in cold weather.

  1. Gym Leggings

Getting the right pair of gym leggings is important for an effective and comfortable workout. There’s nothing more frustrating than having to pull them up every minute of your workout. So, find ones with an adjustable waistband. The fabric should also offer good compression so it holds in your body parts. If your workout consists of running in the cold, opt for a thicker material.

  1. Sports Bra

This is a women’s sportswear staple. Sports bras are specifically designed to limit movement and offer adequate support to your breasts when working out. A great option is to go for a racerback sports bra that eliminates the problem of straps slipping down during a workout. It also prevents shoulder discomfort by distributing the weight across your back. Special sports bras are available for pregnant women and nursing women too.

  1. Training Socks

Blisters on your feet can set your training back, especially during long workout sessions. Your feet must be comfortable and well-cushioned while you’re busy achieving your fitness goals. Sports-specific gym socks are sweat-wicking and come with extra padding or protection in areas that are prone to blisters while providing enough ventilation to prevent chaffing.

  1. Gym Shoes

The right pair of shoes can make or break your workout sessions. Wearing inappropriate shoes during exercise can have negative effects on your posture, performance, alignment and arches. Thus, investing in a good pair of athletic footwear is definitely worth the pain and injuries you risk by wearing worn-out shoes.

Moreover, you need to replace your gym shoes often. This depends on how frequently you work out. If your workout routine is 4 to 5 days every week, it is recommended that you get a new pair of shoes every 3 to 4 months. 

This was our list of basic workout clothes for women. If you don’t have one of these, it’s time to do some shopping!

How to Equip Your Home Gym on a Budget?

Sometimes it can be difficult to take time out to go to the gym during a busy schedule. In that case, it’s best to bring the gym to your home. The great news is that you can build a home gym at an affordable cost. Here’s how to equip your home gym on a budget.

Install a Pull-Up Bar

Installing a pull-up bar in your home gym is an inexpensive way to increase the versatility of your exercises. You just have to install it between a doorway or between a passageway in your gym. You can use it for your back, arms, and core. With a pull-up bar, you can do leg raises for developing your lower core muscles. You can do chin-ups, pull-ups, or a mixed grip pull up with a straight bar. These exercises are great for building your arms and your back muscles (your lats). 

Purchase Dumbbells with Varying Weights

You can incorporate a variety of exercises in your home workout with dumbbells. You can use dumbbells for all muscle groups in your body. Try and get at least five pairs of dumbbells. Each pair should have a maximum difference of five pounds between them. This will ensure that you can progress onto a heavier weight comfortably. It’ll be difficult to lift a significantly heavier weight. Even if you do, you may injure your muscles. 

Purchase Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a great way to incorporate more pulling motions in your workout schedule. You need to incorporate a pulling motion to develop your biceps and your back. With a long resistance band, you can do exercises such as the face-pull. This exercise will help you build a strong upper back. Wrap your resistance band around your pull-up bar to perform this exercise.

Resistance bands come in various lengths and resistance levels. You can also purchase some short and high-resistance ones for your legs and glute exercises. Wear a resistance band just above your knees when you do your squats. This will make the exercise a lot more effective.

Purchase an Exercise Ball

An exercise ball is a useful tool that you must include in your home gym. You can use it for a variety of exercises for all your muscle groups. That said, an exercise ball is especially effective for developing a strong core. It’s important to develop a strong core because it helps with your overall balance and stability, you’ll be able to exert more power when you’re on your feet, and it’ll make sure that you can move faster and more efficiently.
You don’t need a lot of equipment to make sure you stay healthy. You can even incorporate cardio in your home workout by doing exercises like burpees, shadowboxing, and dancing. That said, having equipment will definitely help in making your workout regimen more versatile. So, if you’re looking to make an effective gym at home, the aforementioned equipment is all you’ll need to get started.

Athletic Training: Is It For You?

If you enjoy going to games or watching sports, you may have seen athletic trainers rush to help injured athletes during a sporting event. However, the role and responsibilities of an athletic trainer go way beyond what meets the eye. An athletic trainer is responsible for the overall wellbeing of the athletes. In some cases, an athletic trainer may also have to fulfill various administrative responsibilities, including scheduling meetings, overlooking policy administration, making reports, etc. However, keep in mind that an athletic trainer is not the same as a personal trainer. Let’s take a look at what athletic training entails and how an athletic trainer can help you.

What is Athletic training?

Athletic training is recognized as an allied healthcare profession by multiple authorities including the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). An athletic trainer is part of the healthcare team and their duties involve the prevention, examination, treatment, and rehabilitation of injuries or various resultant medical conditions to make sure that the athletes enjoy optimal health and give their best performance in the ground.

The major difference between an athletic trainer and personal trainer lies in their education and skillset. The athletic training curriculum follows a model employed by medical professionals. In fact, athletic trainers can provide a number of services to all kinds of patients, not just athletes.

Do You Need an Athletic Trainer?

The only question remaining is whether you need a personal trainer or an athletic trainer. Well, the right choice of trainer depends on why you need a trainer in the first place. Take a look at what an athletic trainer can do for you to decide if you need one!

· Facilitate You in Preparing for the Season   

If you are planning to participate in any sports, an athletic trainer can help you coordinate and appear in pre-participation physical exams. They help make sure you are medically fit and clear to participate in the season. This is the administrative side of the job. In case an abnormality is found in the exam results, they can also help you connect with the right specialist.

· Help You Get Back in the Game after an Injury

Anyone can get injured while playing or training for a game. What’s important is bouncing back from the injury. An athletic trainer can help you return to the ground. They can assist you with various exercises and help you walk through the rehabilitation process when required.

· Help Enhance Performance

Your athletic trainer can also help you perform better by preparing you for hot and humid conditions that you may encounter during the game. They may monitor you for signs of heat illnesses and help you avoid heat strokes.

· Assist with Concussion Evaluation and Management

Injuries can lead to concussion, which may require management or even treatment. An athletic trainer can help make sure you are good to return to the game.  

· Help You Deal with a Sports Emergency

This is perhaps one of the most important responsibilities of an athletic trainer. They implement plans to help deal with a sports emergency in the best possible way. They also make sure that the right medical equipment is available to deal with an emergency.   

The Bottom Line

While an athletic trainer works to prevent or help recover an injury, a personal trainer is more focused on improving the general fitness of the athlete. So, if you have a big game coming up, it is best to consult an athletic trainer. If you are on a team, it is likely your sponsors already have an athletic trainer on board. On the other hand, if you need someone to help improve your workout routine, provide healthy lifestyle information, and develop training programs to help you achieve your fitness goals, a personal trainer is a more viable option for you.

The Ultimate Workout Routine for Women

One of the most common misconceptions about workout routines for women is that they should stick to cardio and weightlifting should be avoided at all costs. A lot of ladies fear that adding weights to their routine will build 50 pounds of muscle overnight. This is far from reality. The truth is resistance training can help you achieve a healthier, curvier, and a leaner physique. This cannot be attained from cardio alone. Moreover, a comprehensive workout is essential to buildup strength. 

So, make sure you go beyond cardio and focus on your chest, arms, shoulders, back, and legs. If that sounds like a lot, here’s an ultimate 5-day workout routine for women that focuses on all these areas and will help you achieve your fitness goals!

Day 1 – Shoulder and Back 

Targeted shoulder and back exercises are great for building strength. They will make sure you are ready to lift weights. Plus, it will also enhance your performance in the circuit training class. You can try the following shoulder and back workout from home as well!  

  • Dumbbell shoulder press: 12reps, 3 sets
  • Dumbbell Upright Row: 12 reps, 3 sets
  • Pushups: reps, 3 sets
  • Pull-ups: reps, 3 sets
  • Side lateral raise:  8 reps, 3 sets

Day 2 – Chest and Arms

Workout for chest and arms involves working your upper body. It is essential to achieve lean and strong arms and build upper body strength. Try the following workout for arms and chest. 

  • Pushups: 12 reps, 5 sets
  • Flat bench barbell press: 10 reps, 4 sets 
  • Tricep dips: 15 reps, 4 sets
  • Barbell biceps curls: 20 reps, 3 sets 
  •  Incline dumbbell flyes: 15 reps, 4 sets 
  •  Alternate arm hammer curl: 15 reps/arm, 3 sets

End the workout session with 10 – 15 minutes on the elliptical machine for the best results.  

Day 3 – Cardio

Cardio helps burn fat and calories, which means it is great for people looking to lose weight. Apart from that, it works the heart and improves cardiovascular health. It increases lung capacity and also helps you manage blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Try this easy cardio routine. 

  • 10 pushups 
  • 15 crunches 
  • 15 squats 
  • 12 jump squats 
  • 3 one-minute planks 

End the workout with 10 – 15 minutes on the treadmill. Perform a low-intensity treadmill workout of your choice. If you do not have a treadmill at home, you can always try running up and down on the stairs. 

Day 4 – Resistance Training 

Resistance training helps burn calories and promotes healthy bones and muscles. It also enhances your metabolism and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Here’s a simple workout. 

  • Deadlifts: 5 reps, 5 sets 
  • Barbell snatch: 5 reps, 5 sets 
  • Goblet squat: 10 reps, 2 -3 setsFollow
  • Barbell bent-over rows: 5 reps, 5 sets
  • Anti-rotation press: 8 reps/ side, 3 sets  

End the workout with 5 – 10 minutes on the stationary bike. 

Day 5 – Legs 

Finally, don’t forget to workout for gorgeous legs! Try this workout for legs. 

  • Barbell squats: 12 reps, 3 sets 
  • Leg extension: 12 reps, 3 sets
  • Walking lunges: 10 reps/leg, 4 sets
  • Hamstring curls: 15 reps, 3 sets
  • Calf raises: 20 reps/leg, 4 sets

This workout routine for women will help you achieve your fitness goals. Keep in mind that you can always adjust the routine and weights that you use based on your skill level. Also, don’t forget to warm-up every day before you start your routine!

A Fun and Effective Treadmill Workout

Tired of running on the treadmill? Try the Upward Hill treadmill Workout today

Treadmill workouts can easily get boring and monotonous as all you do is keep walking or jogging on the belt. However, trying a fun and effective treadmill workout can help mix things up and allow you to reach your fitness goals without ever getting bored on the treadmill again. Without further ado – let’s take a look at how you can add oomph to your treadmill workout.

Treadmill Warm-Up Session

Regardless of the treadmill workout you decide to do, make sure you warm up first to prevent injury. Here’s how you can get your body ready for a treadmill workout quickly:

  1. When you step on the treadmill, maintain the speed at 2.5 -3.5 MPH for around a minute.
  2. Now, stretch your legs a bit longer with every stride. Continue in the same manner for around 4 -5 minutes.
  3. Once you are ready to end the warm-up session, shift the incline to 6%.
  4. Walk at your normal pace for 5 – 8 minutes. This should warm up your body in just a few minutes.  

Now that you know how to warm up, try this fun and effective workout session at home or the gym.

Upward Hill Treadmill Workout

This workout is a great option for people who enjoy hiking or running outdoors. It will help you gain speed and boost your stamina. It is also a great home workout for legs and cardio!

Set the incline at 1% and speed at 5 MPH. Walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes with these settings. For the next half an hour, change the speed and the incline after regular intervals, depending on your skill level. Here’s a guideline for adjusting speed and incline.

  • Adjust the speed between intervals of 3 -6.5MPH.
  • Adjust the incline between intervals of 1% -5%.

If you are a beginner, 30 seconds is an adequate time for intervals where you run at a higher speed on a steeper incline (pushing). Follow the interval with 90 seconds of walking (recovery). On the other hand, if you are a pro at treadmill workouts, try pushing for 90 seconds with 30-second recovery time.

As you near the end of the workout, adjust the speed level at 3 MPH and set the incline at 1%. Walk with these settings for about 5 minutes before getting off the treadmill.

Fun Treadmill Tip!                                                                        

It is important to understand that while running on a treadmill is a complete body workout, it is still more focused on the lower body, which is why it is famous as a great home workout for legs.

However, you can always upgrade boring treadmill workouts by engaging in dips. This will help work the upper body. To do a dip, stop the treadmill and place your hands on the sides for support. Lift your feet up in the air while bending your knees. Now, dip your body until your feet almost touch the treadmill.

With this amazing treadmill workout, treadmill training will never be monotonous again. The best thing about Upward Hill Treadmill Workout is that it lets you work on your pace. Whether you are getting on the treadmill for the first time or are more experienced, you can incorporate it into your cardio routine.  Try it out today!

3 Exercises to Strengthen Your Core

Ready to strengthen your core? Check out these three simple core-strengthening exercises to build strong core muscles!

Six-pack abs may be the golden standard of fitness. But believe it or not – having a strong core entails a lot more than ripped abdominal muscles. The core includes obliques, back muscles, and muscles around the pelvis. The reason why it is important to train the core muscles is that we use them to perform daily routine activities. Whether you are sitting, walking, bending, reaching, or stretching, your core muscles are always at work. Moreover, these muscles also help maintain good posture and improve balance and stability.

For all these reasons, it is important to incorporate core exercises in your workout plan to strengthen your core even if you are not aiming for the perfectly sculpted Greek-god abs. Scroll down to take a look at some core-strengthening exercises that you can include in your daily workout routine.

1.    Bridges

Bridges are a simple yet highly effective way of strengthening core muscles. It is a beginner level exercise, which means that you can perform it without much difficulty. Start with bridges if you haven’t exercised for some time or are only beginning to train your core muscles. Here’s how you can do bridges:

  • Lay down on your back.
  • Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Keep your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on your side, palms on the ground.
  • Tighten your core and glutes while maintaining the position.
  • Now, slowly raise your hips. Stop when your knees are in line with your shoulders.
  • Hold the position for 20 – 30 seconds before slowly lowering into the neutral position.

2.    Planks

Planks are ideal for core conditioning. Holding the plank position involves not only your core but also the glutes and hamstrings. Planks are the ideal home workout for abs. Here’s how you can do them.

  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Place your forearms on the ground. Make sure your elbows are in line with your shoulders, with your arms parallel. Stretch out legs and place your toes on the ground.
  • Tighten your core, keeping your lower back straight. Keep your neck in a neutral position. Your body should form a straight line.
  • Try to hold the position for 10 – 60 seconds.   

3.    Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle crunch places your abs under tension. It works the core and is the best abs workouts. Here’s how you can do it.

  • Lie flat on your back. Rest your hands behind your head.
  • Bring in the knees towards the chest, lifting your shoulder blades at the same time.
  • Now stretch one leg out in the air and turn your upper body to the left. The stretched leg must make a 45° angle with the ground. Move your ribcage along with the elbows.
  • Now switch sides and repeat with the other leg. This completes one rep.
  • Try doing multiple sets of 20 reps. 

Incorporating these three core-strengthening exercises in your workout plan will help you strengthen your core in no time. Remember, a strong core means a healthy body. So, start working on your core today! 

5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Struggling to lose belly fat? Check out these five amazing tips to lose belly fat!

Belly fat, also known as abdominal or visceral fat, is particularly harmful to your health. It increases the risk of developing multiple health conditions, including Diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular diseases. This makes it important to take measures to lose belly fat. Keep in mind that while you may require a lot of time and effort to achieve a flat belly, it is not impossible to lose excess belly fat. Scroll down to learn how to lose weight fast around the belly.

1.    Avoid Trans Fat

When you are trying to lose belly fat, the first thing you need to do is monitor your diet. What you decide to eat plays an important role in determining your weight and overall health. So, make sure you eat healthy food to lose belly fat. One effective tip is to avoid consuming trans fat as these fats can lead to excess belly fat. So, the next time you go out for grocery shopping, take a minute to read the ingredient label. It is best to opt for products that are trans-fat-free.

2.    Add Protein to Your Diet

Protein is one of the most important nutrients that your body needs to maintain a healthy weight. Having protein-rich foods decrease appetite and allow you to feel for longer periods. As a result, overall carb consumption is reduced. This helps lose belly fat while also providing beneficial nutrients to the body. Some healthy foods that contain protein include fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, and meat.

3.    Enjoy an Avocado

Avocadoes are packed with monounsaturated fats that are healthy for your heart and can also keep you feeling full for a long time. So, enjoy an avocado at lunch every day to curb your appetite right way! Simply cut the avocado into half, sprinkle some salt and pepper to add flavors and eat with a spoon. While eating may sound counterintuitive when it comes to losing weight, eating healthy foods can actually help you lose belly fat. 

4.    Do Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises work particularly well for shedding extra pounds around the waist. It is a complete cardio workout that will not only help you lose weight but also improve your overall health. There are mixed opinions about the intensity of aerobic exercises to lose weight. While some people believe moderate-intensity aerobic exercises work better than high intensity ones, others think otherwise. Regardless, the frequency and duration of the exercise are more important. For quick results, try to indulge in aerobics for at least 300 minutes every week.     

5.     Opt for Full-Body Workouts

If you think that doing reps after reps of crunches is going to shed belly fat for good, you are mistaken. While it can help, a better approach is to perform exercises that strengthen your core and burn a higher number of calories. Take out time to perform full-body workouts instead of just focusing on belly fat.

Now that you know how to lose weight fast around the belly, nothing is stopping you from rocking that perfect beach body. Try these tips to lose belly fat quickly!

Yoga for Weight Loss

If you are wondering how to lose weight, we have the perfect solution for you. Learn how yoga can help you lose weight and try these yoga poses today.

Yoga is one of the healthiest practices that can help you become the best version of yourself. It not only keeps you in great shape but also supports your emotional and mental health. A yoga session is bound to leave you feeling calm, relaxed, and content. This is why yoga is a popular choice of method it comes to losing weight.

How Yoga Helps Lose Weight?

The more active kinds of yoga work by burning calories like any other physical activity. However, other less-physical types of yoga can also assist in weight loss. It is important to understand that maintaining a healthy weight has a lot to do with your overall lifestyle. Even the least active forms of yoga can bring about a positive change in your lifestyle. The mental aspect of yoga focuses on mindfulness. It is suggested that people who achieve mindfulness through yoga may be better able to resist unhealthy foods.

Yoga also helps you sleep better. Keep in mind that the quality of sleep is associated with weight loss. It is suggested that people with irregular sleeping patterns lose less fat as compared to people who get a full night‘s sleep every night. This makes it essential to practice good sleeping habits when you are trying to lose weight and yoga can help you with that!

Yoga for Weight Loss   

Yoga is an effective tool to lose weight but before you roll out your mat, it is essential to know what kind of yoga is the best option to achieve your fitness goals. If you are wondering how to lose weight through yoga, here are two yoga poses that can help you shed those extra pounds and tone your body.

·       Boat Pose

Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Press your hands behind your hips. Keeping your spine straight, lift your feet in the air and lean back slightly. Keep your shins parallel to the floor. Lengthen your torso and extend your arms forward. Maintain balance on your sit bones and keep your spine straight. Straighten your legs to make a 45-degree angle from the ground. Your body should be in a V shape. Keep your gaze on your toes. Hold the pose for five breathes and gradually work up to five minutes. Release the pose by slowly exhaling as you lower your legs and hands to the ground.    

·       Seated Forward Bend

Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Support your buttocks with a soft cushion or a folded blanket if you want. Raise your arms straight out to the side and above your head towards the sky. Take a deep breath and straighten your spine. As you exhale, bend forward, reaching for your feet. With each breath, try to deepen your forward bend. When the spine is fully stretched, grab your shins or ankles, whichever you can reach. Hold the pose for 5 breaths before relaxing.These are two effective yoga poses for quick weight loss. There are various other yogaposes for weight loss that you can incorporate in your yoga sessions. Some of them include Extended Side Angled Pose, Upward-Facing Dog, and Warrior II Pose. Keep in mind that perseverance in the key, so practice your favorite yoga poses regularly for the best results!

3 Fun Activities to Lose Weight without Hitting the Gym

Do you want to shed those extra pounds without hitting the gym? Check out these 3 fun activities that help you stay in great shape.

While everyone wants the perfect summer body, a lot of people find it hard to make time for the gym or simply don’t enjoy working out in a gym regularly. However, the good news is that there are multiple other ways to shed those extra pounds without getting a gym membership. It is important to understand that losing weight has a lot more to do with your lifestyle rather the gym equipment you can access.

 So, if you are one of those people who’d rather avoid going to the gym for any reason, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You can still lose weight, achieve your fitness goals, and have fun while doing it! Here’s a list of some fun activities that can help you get the perfect beach body this summer.   

1. Go Out for a Walking/ Jogging

Walking is a moderate-intensity exercise that you can easily incorporate in your daily routine. At a brisk pace, walking a mile can burn up to 100 calories. If you wish to lose weight by walking, it is best to go for a brisk walk for 30-90 minutes every day. Try to maintain the total average walking time at 150 minutes per week. It is important to understand that pacing around won’t help much. You should walk fast enough to ensure your body gets a moderate-intensity exercise. You can also alternate between jogging and walking for the best results. Check out a 6-Week Belly Fat Blasting Walking Plan here.    

2. Swimming

Swimming is a complete workout plan and probably one of the best that you can do to slim and tone your body. Apart from helping you lose weight, swimming also helps in building lats and triceps and strengthening your core and leg muscles. So, if you enjoy swimming, you can get a thin waist and defined abs of your dreams by spending time in the pool. 30 minutes of breaststrokes can burn approximately 370 calories, while swimming freestyle torches burn around 404 calories.  

3. Dancing

Dancing can be a lot of fun. Plus, it is a great workout that can help lose weight. Dancing involves complete-body movements. Dancing, even for a few minutes, will increase your heart rate, blood circulation, and muscular activity. Moreover, it can enhance your metabolism by up to 3 -6 times! If you are dancing to lose weight, aim for a 20 -minute dancing session 4- 5 days a week. Your heart-rate should increase as you show off your moves. Make sure you start with a 5-minute warm up and end with another 5-minute cooling period. Include dance moves that involve your whole body – that’s the key to burning the maximum number of calories.     These are the top 3 fun activities that can help you lose weight without going to the gym. Incorporate these healthy activities in your daily routine and you’ll never need a gym membership again. Also, keep in mind that a healthy lifestyle makes a big impact on your body weight. So, don’t forget to eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.

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