
Four Superfoods to Help Build Muscles

The Top Superfoods That Can Help You Increase Your Muscle Mass

The old saying ‘ we are what we eat’ holds especially true when it comes to building muscle mass. Working out at the gym and at home is all well and good, but you will also need to eat right to build those muscles. Let us check out some of the most important superfoods that you can use to help gain that toned look:

  1. Whole  Eggs

Eggs are an extremely important superfood for building muscle mass. This is because they carry heaps of iron, protein, vitamins, and other nutrients that can help you to derive the most from your workout. Chicken eggs can also help to increase the metabolism in your body so that you will be burning fat even when you are at rest!

They also contain plenty of leucine. This is an amino acid that is particularly important for both muscle gain and boosting energy so that you will be able to work out even longer than before.  

  1. Mango

Many people consider the mango to be the best fruit in the world. And with good reason too. It is perfect for building lean muscles because it has plenty of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. If your workout is particularly hard, you should consider eating mangoes to protect your body against the production of various stress hormones.

Mangoes can hit the sweet spot after a workout session since they contain quick-digesting carbohydrates. In the long run, they can also help in better and quicker recovery after some strenuous cardio exercises. 

  1. Sweet  Potatoes 

These little orange tubers are a complete powerhouse of nutrients. They contain plenty of essential minerals, carbohydrates, and antioxidants. For starters, the huge amount of carbs will keep you fueled for a really long workout. Furthermore, you will also be able to replenish your energy after your workout. This is particularly useful if you hit the gym early in the morning and have to go to work afterward.

  1. Garbanzo beans (Chickpeas)

You might be surprised to learn that the humble chickpea is a superfood that can help you build muscle mass. These little beans can pack roughly 9 grams of protein and over 27 grams of carbohydrates in a single half-cup serving. This makes Garbanzo beans ideal as both pre-workout fuel as well as a post-workout energy replenishment snack.

Chickpeas are also very rich in iron. Here it is pertinent to note that lack of iron can diminish the body’s ability to transport oxygen to all of your different muscle groups. In short, not having enough iron can easily decrease both performance and endurance during your work. Chickpeas can take care of this issue while providing you with the raw power to zip through your workout.  

However, all of the above superfoods can only work best with a powerful workout routine. Merely eating lots of mangoes and other stuff won’t do much good if you are not exercising enough to consume all that extra energy.  However, combining the two can definitely help you lose weight fast. 

Good luck with your workout!

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