
Muscle Building Exercises for Women

The Best Muscle Building Exercises for Women

Building muscle can be a challenge for just about anyone. However, it is especially difficult for women to build muscle due to the limitations set by their anatomy. While men have an easier time putting on muscle, there are still plenty of exercises that women can perform to put on muscle mass.

Calorie intake

Before we get to the list of exercises for building muscle, it’s important to ensure your daily calorie intake is sufficient enough to promote muscle growth. If the number of calories you are eating is equal to or less than the number of calories you are burning every day, you won’t be able to put on a noticeable amount of muscle.

You can calculate your daily calorie requirements using a calorie calculator. Be sure to consume more calories than the calculated amount if you want to gain muscle mass.


Strength training exercises are the best way for women to build muscle fast. Strength training can convert the extra calories you are consuming every day to muscle. Without strength training or other forms of exercise, your body will store these extra calories as fats.

The goal of strength training is to push your muscles outside their comfort zone. This forces them to be rebuilt bigger and stronger than before.

Push ups

Push ups are one of the simplest exercises that can be performed by just about anyone. They are great for building chest, shoulder, and abdominal muscles.

If you’re having trouble completing regular push-ups, you can do knee-push ups to build up strength until you’re ready to do the real ones.

Pull ups

Pull ups are useful for building big strong back muscles. They can be a bit difficult for beginners to perform, so they may have to use an assisted pull up machine. Another option for beginners is to perform inverted bodyweight rows in the meantime.

Once you’ve gained enough strength to perform a regular pull up, you should focus on increasing the number of pull ups you can perform during each exercise session.


Squats are essential leg muscle building exercises that work the quadricep, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and abdominal muscles. They can be challenging to perform depending on your physique, but they’re great exercises for building leg muscle.

Squats can be performed without weights (i.e.: bodyweight squats) or with weights (i.e.: dumbbell and barbell squats) and among the most intense workout exercises you can do.

If you can’t perform a bodyweight squat effectively, you won’t be able to perform a dumbbell squat either.


Deadlifts are another intense exercise that routinely push your body’s limits. They work the quadriceps, glutes, inner thigh, hamstrings, and many other muscle groups. If you’re unable to perform a deadlift with weights on the barbell, you should try performing them using the barbell alone.

Deadlifts can be dangerous when performed with the wrong form, so avoid arching your back or leaning forward during your lifts. You should also remember to lift with your knees as opposed to your back.

These strength training exercises are essential if you want to build muscle. They are a core part of most female body-builders’ exercise routines, so you should familiarize yourself with them if you want to put on some muscle mass.

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