
Yoga for Weight Loss

If you are wondering how to lose weight, we have the perfect solution for you. Learn how yoga can help you lose weight and try these yoga poses today.

Yoga is one of the healthiest practices that can help you become the best version of yourself. It not only keeps you in great shape but also supports your emotional and mental health. A yoga session is bound to leave you feeling calm, relaxed, and content. This is why yoga is a popular choice of method it comes to losing weight.

How Yoga Helps Lose Weight?

The more active kinds of yoga work by burning calories like any other physical activity. However, other less-physical types of yoga can also assist in weight loss. It is important to understand that maintaining a healthy weight has a lot to do with your overall lifestyle. Even the least active forms of yoga can bring about a positive change in your lifestyle. The mental aspect of yoga focuses on mindfulness. It is suggested that people who achieve mindfulness through yoga may be better able to resist unhealthy foods.

Yoga also helps you sleep better. Keep in mind that the quality of sleep is associated with weight loss. It is suggested that people with irregular sleeping patterns lose less fat as compared to people who get a full night‘s sleep every night. This makes it essential to practice good sleeping habits when you are trying to lose weight and yoga can help you with that!

Yoga for Weight Loss   

Yoga is an effective tool to lose weight but before you roll out your mat, it is essential to know what kind of yoga is the best option to achieve your fitness goals. If you are wondering how to lose weight through yoga, here are two yoga poses that can help you shed those extra pounds and tone your body.

·       Boat Pose

Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Press your hands behind your hips. Keeping your spine straight, lift your feet in the air and lean back slightly. Keep your shins parallel to the floor. Lengthen your torso and extend your arms forward. Maintain balance on your sit bones and keep your spine straight. Straighten your legs to make a 45-degree angle from the ground. Your body should be in a V shape. Keep your gaze on your toes. Hold the pose for five breathes and gradually work up to five minutes. Release the pose by slowly exhaling as you lower your legs and hands to the ground.    

·       Seated Forward Bend

Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Support your buttocks with a soft cushion or a folded blanket if you want. Raise your arms straight out to the side and above your head towards the sky. Take a deep breath and straighten your spine. As you exhale, bend forward, reaching for your feet. With each breath, try to deepen your forward bend. When the spine is fully stretched, grab your shins or ankles, whichever you can reach. Hold the pose for 5 breaths before relaxing.

These are two effective yoga poses for quick weight loss. There are various other yoga poses for weight loss that you can incorporate in your yoga sessions. Some of them include Extended Side Angled Pose, Upward-Facing Dog, and Warrior II Pose. Keep in mind that perseverance in the key, so practice your favorite yoga poses regularly for the best results!    

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